Avoid the “Winter Itch”, aka Eczema

dry landscape symbolizing eczema dry skin

Have you ever been in a cold climate and upon entering someplace warm notice a flushing or itchy sensation? Many regions refer to this as “Winter Itch”, but the medical term is atopic dermatitis (eczema).  It can occur on almost any part of the body, and the urge to scratch can be almost irresistible. Many times, if left untreated eczema can break out as a red, scaly patch on the affected area. This could cause breakage to the skin if the person continues scratching and potentially more severe complications.

Often times people who have eczema have allergies to other things (food sensitivities, pollen, animals, trees, etc). Rather than constantly trying to avoid triggers getting to the cause of the allergy is a better solution.

Eczema, depending on the cause, may respond well to the allergy desensitization process at Haas Wellness Centers. This process is a holistic approach to rid the body of excess toxins and improper immune responses. It works with acupressure points to facilitate proper immune responses to potential triggers, repair any underlying nutritional imbalances/deficiencies, correct any structural or neurological interferences that are contributing to poor immune function, and work towards treating the individual at the cellular level with low level laser technology (cold laser). The best part is these treatments are gentle, and often provide relief in the first few sessions. For more information and to schedule a consultation today, click here.


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