We offer a wide range of services to meet your health needs
Our services
Applied Kinesiology
Applied Kinesiology (AK) uses bio-energetic feedback through testing the strength of different muscles in the body. This allows the doctor to assess various aspects of a patient’s state of health and evaluate functional illness without invasive medical procedures. Click here to learn more.
Nutritional Analysis
Proper nutrition is essential for the body to self-regulate. Nutritional testing can lead to important clues to why your body is not functioning as expected. We do nutritional analysis using several measures including laboratory findings, biofeedback scans, and applied kinesiology. Interventions may include diet changes and / or use of supplements. Click here to learn more.
Chiropractic techniques normalize nervous system functioning by manipulating the spine and other joints in the body. Our practice uses low force techniques to provide this service. Click here to learn more.
Toxin Screening & Detox
Environmental toxins are often overlooked but can be a primary cause of cellular dysfunction. Toxin screenings allow us to evaluate the effects the environment has on your physiology. To aid in the detoxification process we employ cellular cleanse therapy, which generates ions in a foot bath to stimulate the body to release toxins, increase cellular energy production, help balance the meridians, and alkalize the body. Click here to learn more.
Massage Therapy
Haas Wellness Center offers a range of massage services from therapeutic to relaxation focused.
Allergy Elimination
We use a noninvasive, natural treatment system based on the principles of Chiropractic, Acupuncture and Applied Kinesiology that can improve and sometimes eliminate allergy symptoms by resetting your body’s reaction to environmental substances, foods, and even to your own body (i.e. autoimmunity). Click here to learn more.
Weight Loss Management
Achieving the right weight for you and your body type reduces dozens of risk factors and increases energy. We assess a variety of reasons for weight gain including nutritional, hormonal, and blood sugar and thyroid function. Click here to learn more.
Cold Laser Therapy
Low Level Laser Therapy is a non-invasive, fast, and effective modality that has been proven in clinical trials to reduce pain, reduce edema, and promote healing. Click here to learn more.
Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy
Many patients come to use with chronic muscle and joint pain. PEMF is an effective way to treat pain and to greatly speed the healing of tissues by “recharging” cells in the body. Click here to learn more.
Laboratory Testing
Laboratory testing can give us a different window into your health to help us craft a holistic care plan. We provide toxin testing, urine and stool analysis, hormone testing and more. Click here to learn more
We address your unique health needs
We use the tools listed above to support patients in addressing a variety of health challenges including:
Autoimmune diseases
Digestive problems
Muscle & joint health
Sleep problems and insomnia
Thyroid problems
“Dr. Haas actually ‘spring cleans’ one’s body and then gives it what it needs to perform optimally.”
— E.R.; Charlotte, NC