How to avoid a leaky gut

If you’re facing allergies, inflammation, or autoimmune challenges a leaky gut may be partially to blame.

What is a leaky gut? There are certain things that we consume that irritate the lining of the small intestine causing the very tiny absorption “holes” to get bigger. When these “holes” enlarge, substances in the intestine can make their way into the bloodstream where the immune system will try to destroy them. This is an inflammatory process and wherever these substances travel in the body the inflammation will occur.

The key to avoid a leaky gut is to avoid triggering medications and foods whenever possible. Medications including non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (aspirin, ibuprofen, Motrin, Aleve, etc.) and antibiotics are intestine irritants. Coffee, black tea, red wine, and soft drinks also have an irritating effect and should be avoided. Finally, chocolate contains tannins which can also cause a leaky gut. There are some foods that can be helpful to promote a healthy small intestine including blueberries, raspberries, artichokes, turmeric, and ginger. To learn more about nutritional analysis and balancing at Haas Wellness Center, click here.


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